Across our Greenwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park locations, the physical environment is richly diverse. The SMLL testbed is 24km of instrumented urban roads, both single and multi-lane, including roundabouts.

Our customers know that if it works in London, it can work anywhere.

london megacity

The megacity of London with its many existing modes of public transport offers many ways to test and demonstrate use cases for new transport concepts.

Within the SMLL testbed there are more than 1,000 unique and characterised road features, each presenting different challenges and enabling targeted research. From speed bumps to traffic signals, one way systems and pedestrian crossings, bridges, underpasses and overpasses, SMLL customers can rigorously test and observe the performance of their technologies and vehicles from every angle. Real-world data connectivity and transmission challenges come from tree-lined streets and high rise urban buildings as well as Wi-Fi enabled buses and a modern traffic management system.

The testbed cityscape includes a variety of urban, residential, commercial, industrial, and retail environments. It includes major trip generators like shopping centres, large public transport interchanges, sports and events arenas, schools and hospitals. It has a robust network of reliable and efficient transport services. It has complex freight distribution methods.

The road authorities in Greenwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park are fully engaged and supportive of the SMLL, proactively encouraging new mobility solution testing and co-ordinating trials at scale.  Both areas are keen to innovate and improve accessibility for their communities and deliveries for their commercial stakeholders.